Sunday, June 13, 2010

Two Years Old

Wyatt's second birthday snuck up on me.  He is now two, as of 6/7/10.  I couldn't believe it.  I think back to the day he was born and can remember the pain.  Today My friends hosted a baby shower for Haley.  We spent some time thinking about the day Wyatt was born.  (Wrong child, I know.)  But Marilla pretty much called me a liar, "you're kidding me, right?"  I called Michelle Clark first and little more than 20 minutes she was up in the room just laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation. 

Well, we had a family dinner at my parents house.  I frosted the cake and needed a place to put it where their dog, Turbo, wouldn't jump up on the table and devour it (like he's done before!).  Well, Wyatt got up on the bench and started handing Ally, his 18 month old cousin, onions.  When I took them away he found the next best thing, the cake.  He grabbed, and it was like slow motion to me, the cake and left a huge gaping hole in the side. 

Wyatt's play therapist (Sue) has been working with him to be able to blow out his candles.  And we placed the cake before him, sang happy birthday (like he understood!) and let him blow out the candles.  Well, Ally was also on the chair, so they both got to blow out the candles.  Thanks Sue for being so diligent to get Wyatt to learn so much!

My camera is somewhere in the mess of a house of mine.  Once the birthday pictures are on the computer, I will share the hand in the cake and the blowing out the candles. 

The only person missing from the party was Jane.  I miss you so much. I know you are where God intends you to be and I look to you as an inspiration for following the Will of God for your life.  Love you so much!

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